Posted on Thursday, May 7, 2009 by dinu

It is the only remaining ancient wonders of the world. The world’s oldest structure still standing tall and pompous. The Great Pyramid of Giza. It still keeps the scientific world guessing how it was built. Of the 10 pyramids at Giza, the first three are held in the highest regard. The first and the largest, was erected for the Pharaoh Khufu, known as the Great Pyramid. It rises about 450 feet and covers 13 acres.10, 000 laborers in 20 years. That’s what it took to construct the pyramid. By one theory, crews dragged or pushed limestone blocks up mud-slicked ramps to construct the royal tombs. Whoever built the Pyramid used a technology that we still do not possess today to cut, move, and cement stones. Whoever built it also had some knowledge of the earth, because it was built in the right spot-one of the few places that would support such a great weight. The oldest structure in existence, having been started


Posted on Sunday, May 3, 2009 by dinu

Although there is no set of written rules governing behavior on the internet, the wise user participates in an honor system. On the Internet, appropriate behavior is called Netiquette, a combination of Internet etiquette. Netiquette is crucial for keeping the internet a civil because the internet is not policed or run by a single person or a group. Basic rules of netiquette are, Behave as though you are communicating in person. When communicating with someone online, act as if you are talking to that person face to face. Remember that your words are open to interpretation. If you post jokes, sarcasm, or other attempts at humor, does not be surprised if someone is offended. Word your postings clearly and carefully, and use appropriate language. Do not “Shout” online. Typing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is like shouting and is considered rude.Do not send spam. Spam is the online equivalent of junk mail- uninvited messages, usually of a commercial nature. Most ISP’s have strict spam policies. Do not “Flame” other users. In Net-speak, a flame is a posting that contains insults or other derogatory content. Do not be a coward. As a general rule, you should never conceal your identity on the internet. If you choose to use a screen name, do not hide behind it to misbehave. Even though you cannot be seen on the internet, you can still be identified. If an ISP collects enough complaints about an account holder, it can cancel that person’s account. Even though the poster had used an alias, to hide his identity, federal agents were able to track him down and arrest him.