Posted on Saturday, April 25, 2009 by dinu

Information Systems (IS) Managers: IS managers are responsible for managing a team of information professionals, including network administrators, s/w developers, project managers, and other staffs. IS manager should possess experience and skills in a wide range of networking and computing areas, including network OS, relational database knowledge, operating system experience and staff management abilities. Many IS managers maintain project lists, over see project management, perform database administration, and possibly do some programming. Data Communications Managers: these managers are responsible for setting up and maintaining internet, intranet and extranet sites. Often they are also responsible for designing and establishing an organizations telecommuting initiative. This task often requires experience with several technologies, including networking, data communications, remote access software, and internet technologies .If you are interested in a career in data communications, you should learn as much as you can about these technologies.


Posted on Sunday, April 19, 2009 by dinu

Networking is one of the most rapidly growing fields in the computing industry. Two of the most popular and best paying computer related fields are networking and data communications. Most large organizations have existing networks that must be maintained, repaired, and updated as the company grows or shrinks. People interested in careers relating to networking and data communications must be educated in a wide range of computing and networking topics. Some of the careers relating to networking and data communications like Network Administrators, Information Systems (IS) Managers, Data Communications Managers. Network administrators are responsible for managing a company’s network infrastructure. Some of the jobs in this field include designing and implementing networks, setting up and managing user’s accounts, installing and updating network s/w and backing up the network. To succeed as a network admin, you should gain experience in the major networking OS, including Novell Net Ware, Windows NT 4.0 server, Win- 2000 server. Also you should be experienced with Win-98, MS-DOS, Apple Macintosh, and UNIX.


Posted on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 by dinu

Linus Torvalds was a student at the University of Helsinki in 1991 when he decided to create a new & different “UNIX clone.” Linus decided the new OS would be named “Linus,” a combination of his name and “UNIX”. Torvalds has two goals. First, he wanted to create a powerful, feature-rich OS that provided the same functioning of UNIX. His OS would on almost any computer, regardless of its architecture or the type of applications it hosted. Second, the OS would be completely open; anyone could contribute to its development and adapt or change its code, as long as they made their innovations public and did not take credit for anyone else’s work. As part of its openness, Linux would be available for free to anyone who wanted it. For computer users in the home and in most average business settings, Linux is not an issue. With its cryptic command-driven interface, Linux is not likely to become the OS of the masses, even though the developers have created a Windows-like GUI for it.


Posted on Sunday, April 12, 2009 by dinu

Ideas rule the world and thoughts rule your life. It is your mind which moulds your destiny. Why does a person feel he cannot accomplish a task or solve a problem which confronts him? It is not due to lack of intelligence or education. It is because he lacks interest and is not motivated enough. Changing patterns of thought may appear somewhat difficult in the beginning, but it can be done, practiced and developed. If you change your setting you can usually change your mood. “Worry is a thin stream of fear through the mind”. Worry affects the blood circulation and the whole nervous system. Carrying a load of anger around with you also wastes your energy. These negative qualities set up definite road-blocks in our mind. If you lapse don’t collapse. To prevent collapse, treat each lapse as a temporary problem.


Posted on Thursday, April 9, 2009 by dinu

Fortune favors the brave. Display courage, confidence and boldness. To achieve success, ensure progress, and make profits, one has to dare and take risks. Do not be afraid to take calculated risks. Be innovative, find opportunities and make full use of them. Keep your eyes, ears and above all your mind open. Be observant and listen with interest. Join hands with the right people and build a good team. The longest journey begins but with the single first step. The beginning of any journey is deciding where you want to go. Beginning of the life you want is deciding first as to what precisely you want in life. This is the first, fundamental and basic step you have to take in making success of your life. Knowledge is power and knowledge is strength and knowledge supplies you how to know. To derive full benefit of your knowledge you must act, practice, work hard and put in sustained effort, becoming wiser by experience in the process.


Posted on Monday, April 6, 2009 by dinu

“What is the most universal human characteristic: FEAR, OR LAZINESS?” Some of us aren’t afraid. We just aren’t bothered. ‘So what?’ are the two most dangerous accountable words? ”So what, I’m weak? So what, I’m not using abilities to their best?” These are questions which can never be answered. But think about it a while; if everyone starts asking you the same questions, how will you feel? If your grocer yells ‘So what, you are hungry?’, if your garbage collector tells ‘So what your home is dirty?’ pointing their fingers to you, how will you sense? Replace that acidic “so what?” with the hopeful “what if?” “What if you become someone great worth remembering? What if you can make people proud of you?”
The thing that worse than quitting or failing is being complacent. Believing that you are weak and that’s all you are capable of. Even the skills you have mastered will be a waste with such an attitude. Believe in yourself, and only then you can expect others to believe in you. START TO CARE. Even if no one does care for you, the last person to give up on you should be yourself.


Posted on Sunday, April 5, 2009 by dinu

Everyone has limits. But we never know our limits, until our skill has been put to test. Never say:” This is all I can do, unless you’ve tried to do it”. We just need to find it & the first place to look into is within you. Our skills double, when we face danger. Then we see, hear, smell & faster. It shows that we are capable to act & do much more than we think. We are just too afraid at times. But what are we afraid of? Are we afraid, we may actually find our true strengths? Or is it, we just need to be pushed to find our true potential. “ In tough times you will find two hands will be at the end of your own arms”. Conquer yourself.


Posted on Saturday, April 4, 2009 by dinu

Hair plays a fair role in every ones life; it makes them feel complete & confident. One survey shows that ‘how their hair looks affects how they feel about themselves’. Everyone felt that hair is the best reflection of their personality- who feels physical status of a person. Naturally when hair does not look good, we feel inferior, anxious & afraid of facing world. Bad hair can give you a complex & prevent you from presenting a confident face to the world. Even hair experts feel that there is an intimate connection between hair &confidence levels. When you are unhappy with yourself you are not truly yourself. Therefore, it’s important to get your hair right, in order to avoid developing a complex about your looks. “In today’s competitive world, it is easy to develop a complex about your looks”. And when you are unhappy with your hair, you want to hide yourself from the world.


Posted on by dinu

Charisma is basically the capability of a person to attract others. It can either be appearance or behavior or mannerisms depending upon the atmosphere & the situation. A charismatic personality stands apart from the crowd. He can be easily identified by the crowd. His face is radiant, his appearance is aesthetic, and his mannerisms are sophisticated & most importantly he exudes a positive & magnetic Aura (surrounding atmosphere) which makes him looks different.
Many ways have been developed to create such atmosphere.
The ways are,
Being in the company of holy people,
Control over passions, fear & anger,
Smiling face, it costs nothing but spreads happiness, Conservation of energy by avoiding all types of indulgences.
Every person has an Aura around him. It shows how the person handling the situation among the people and communicating effectively.